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23 Mar 2013

Nude Hot Sexiest Models Hot Celebrity Most Beautiful Wallpapers in World

Nude Models Hot Celebrity Sexy Girls Most Beautiful  Wallpapers in World Sexy Models, Actress HQ sexy girls beautiful and has natural charming style. The clean envir... and special diet make them such a wonderful attracting beauty. Mostly websites about Arabic culture are made in Arabic that is difficult to learn. So we are here to inform you about them in a standard platform. You can get the best and latest informat..about Arabic girl’s along with their photos.
Dominique Hourani
She is a beautiful singer, actress as well as model of Lebanon.
25 Photos
Yamila Diaz Rahi
She is a super beautiful model who is native to Argentina with Lebanese and Spanish roots.  She started her modeling career from her institution where she was studying
Arab Girls are one the most beautiful and has natural charming style. The clean environment and special diet make them such a wonderful attracting beauty. Mostly websites about Arabic culture are made in Arabic that is difficult to learn.
Nude Models Hot Celebrity Sexy Girls Most Beautiful  Wallpapers in World  Hot Pics gallery

1 Feb 2013

Intip Kepribadian Pria lewat Pilihan Celana Dalam

Intip-Kepribadian-Pria-lewat-Pilihan-Celana-DalamnyaJika beberapa waktu yang lalu Dunia Fitness sempat mengangkat artikel yang mengungkapkan kepribadian wanita lewat pilihan ‘bra’ nya . Nah sekarang giliran kami mengintip isi lemari si pria dan mengungkapkan kepribadiannya lewat pilihan celana dalamnya.

Memang pada dasarnya fungsi utama dari pakaian dalam adalah melindungi organ vital kita dan menjaga ke-higienisannya dari pakaian luar. Dan sama saja seperti wanita, celana dalam pria pun ada berbagai macam jenisnya. Yuk kita lihat apa saja yang paling populer
Pakaian dalam pria yang satu ini mengutamakan kenyamanan. Terlihat dari bentuknya yang longgar, dan pilihan bahannya pun beragam mulai dari katun, poliester, silk dan jersey. Pria yang memilih boxer sebagai pakaian dalam sehari hari biasanya memliki kepribadian yang easy going, senang main dan berkumpul bersama teman temannya, menyukai berpergian dan dalam urusan bercinta biasanya susah ditaklukkan.
Namun jika sang wanita berhasil merebut hatinya, ia bisa menjadi kekasih yang setia, namun jangan terlalu berharap akan kejutan kejutan nakal diatas ranjang.
Boxer Brief
Celana dalam pria yang satu ini memiliki panjang yang hampir sama dengan jenis boxer namun bentuknya pas di badan seperti jenis brief. Jika bagian pinggang lebih rendah lagi dan di bagian kakinya lebih pendek lagi biasanya disebut dengan ‘low rise trunks’.
Karakter keduanya hampir sama dan kita bisa menemui berbagai macam boxer brief atau low rise trunks dengan material katun dan spandeks. Pria penyuka boxer brief dan low rise trunks biasanya memiliki kepribadian yang tenang, pandai menguasai diri, bertubuh atletis, sering menjadi pemimpin di antara teman temannya, dan penuh dengan komitmen bersama pasangannya.
Tentu saja dalam urusan bercinta pria tipe ini bisa memimpin dengan baik di atas ranjang, dan mampu melakukan gerakan gerakan yang yang memuaskan wanitanya.
Sering disebut kancut, bentuknya segitiga mengepas dibadan sehingga memberi perasaan terlindungi dengan baik. Pilihan warna pada umumnya adalah warna standart, namun sekarang mulai berkembang dengan warna yang lebih berani. Material yang biasa ditemukan adalah katun. Karakter pemakainya biasanya orang yang bertanggung jawab, tertib, penuh kontrol dalam hidup dan konservatif. Bercinta dengannya? Sepertinya bisa tertebak posisi apa saja yang akan dilakukan.
Awww, bentuknya begitu minim dan memperlihatkan sebagian besar bokong anda, hanya menutupi organ vital anda dengan sedikit bahan saja. Biasanya warna dan motifnyapun berani. Dan tentu sudah bisa tertebak pemakainya adalah pria yang cenderung eksibisionis, sangat percaya diri dengan tubuhnya, menyukai segala tantangan.
Jika Anda sebagai wanita tidak memiliki jiwa petualang tinggi di atas ranjang lebih baik berpikir dua kali untuk melanjutkan hubungan dengan pria tipe ini. Karena pria pemakai thong pastinya senang kebebasan dan sesuatu yang berbau ekstrim.
Bagaimanapun juga pilihan celana dalam pasangan anda bukanlah penentuan 100% kepribadiannya seperti apa. Pendekatan karakter lewat komunikasilah yang bisa membantu kita mengenal seseorang lebih jauh lagi.

18 Des 2012

Ciri - Ciri Film Asia

Ciri-ciri Film India, film kungfu cina, film superhero jepang, dan sinetron indonesia setiap film yang dibuat pasti ada ciri khasnya, coba deh perhatiin film-film dari india, seri silat cina, atau superhero jepang, ataupun yg di indonesia…kalau diperhatiin bisa-bisa kita malah ketawa sendiri.dan itu tandanya pikiran kamu sudah teracuni oleh film-film tersebut ( saya juga salah satunya )

Film India :

1. Seorang pria tidak akan merasa sakit saat melakukan perkelahian sengit namun akan mengaduh sakit saat seorang wanita berusaha membersihkan lukanya.

2. Tokoh jagoannya tak pernah jatuh cinta pada jagoan wanita kecuali sebelumnya mereka menari-nari di bawah hujan.

3. Sekali dipakai make-upnya tidak pernah luntur, saat hujan ataupun saat lainnya.

4. Dua orang kekasih bisa menari-nari ditengah lapang, dan entah dari mana 100 orang lainnya akan muncul dari antah berantah dan bergabung menari bersama mereka. (penari latar Michael Jackson aja kalah banyak)

5. Pada babak akhir, sang jagoan akan menemukan bahwa tokoh jahat yang dilawannya sebenarnya adalah saudara kandungnya, wanita tua yang mencarinya adalah ibunya, dan kepala Inspektur adalah ayahnya serta sang hakim adalah pamannya dan seterusnya.

6. Kata-kata Inggris yang biasanya muncul adalah (biasanya diucapkan keras2 di antara kalimat) No Problem!, My God!, Get Out!, Shut-up!, Impossible!, Please forgive me!

7. Mereka berguling-guling dan berputar-putar sambil bernyanyi dan muncul lagi dengan pakaian berbeda.

8. Mereka bisa berlari mengelilingi pohon kelapa, bernyanyi, saling memandang dan memalingkan muka menggoda dan berganti pakaian pada waktu yang sama tanpa menarik nafas….

9. Jagoan gak boleh liat pohon dan tiang listrik, pasti joget dulu muter2 dan tiba-tiba wanitanya muncul, gak heran film India minimal pasti 3 jam Bisa lebih gak rugi sih.

10. Airmata sang jagoan dan si wanita gampang mengucur bak keran air, tapi cepat juga kering dan langsung joget mbok, BRAVO…

Film Kungfu China :

1. Menjadi orangtua sang jagoan selalu bernasib sial dan biasanya selalu dibunuh oleh musuh saat si jagoan masih muda, dan is jagoan akan jadi yatim piatu terus belajar ilmu silat dan balas dendam, dstnya.

2. Ketika seseorang terluka berat dan sekarat, ia selalu berhasil bertahan hidup dan mengucapkan beberapa kalimat untuk mengungkapkan is pembunuh sebelum kepalanya terkulai dan menyatakan dirinya telah benar-benar mati.

3. Orang-orang yang mahir kungfu mampu terbang ke atas atap, ke atas pohon dan menempuh jarak jauh tanpa berkeringat. Namun saat berjalan ke kota dan desa-desa mereka tetap harus berjalan kaki atau menunggang kuda.

4. Sang jagoan tak perlu bekerja untuk mendapatkan uang, namun selalu memiliki uang emas dan perak untuk membayar makanan mereka. (Minta jatah preman kali ye….)

5. Sang jagoan dan sang penjahat akan saling bertemu walaupun negara mereka sangat luas dan tak peduli di manapun mereka berada. (padahal belon ada HP)

6. Menyembuhkan luka dalam di tubuh cukup dengan duduk bersilang kaki, telapak tangan di lutut dan asap keluar dari kepala.

7. Mereka bisa menyimpan banyak barang di baju lengan panjang mereka dan tak pernah menjatuhkannya. Terutama sedemikian banyak logam-logam emas….dan botol-botol obat penyembuh berbagai racun

8. Jagoan pasti jago minum arak, apalagi sedang kesel/marah, sekali minum bisa berdrum2 (5-10 drum) kayak Jacky Chan Pendekar Mabuk.

9. Sebelum mati, sang guru bisa mentransfer tenaga dalam ke muridnya hanya dengan menempelkan telapak tangan ke pundak si murid begitu gampang dan cepat bahkan mengalahkan kecepatan USB cable, infra red dan bluetooth jaman sekarang

10. Hebatnya kalo wanita mengenakan kostum pria, dan suaranya suara wanita, namun orang-orang bahkan pendekar pria tidak sadar bahwa itu seorang wanita, harus melalui proses tak sengaja, seperti menyentuh dada si wanita baru pendekarnya sadar

Film Robot Jepang

1. Biasanya kalo jagoannya mau berubah wujud, si musuh nunggu dulu sampe si jagoan bener2 berubah wujud secara sempurna - kayak pesawat mau mendarat aja, sampe sempurna - mungkin si musuh memang gentlemen, gak mau nyerang si jagoan yang tengah lagi berubah wujud.

2. Kalo anak buah musuh suka nyerang jagoan secara gerombolan alias maen keroyokan, tapi anehnya selalu kalah, padahal jumlah mereka bisa satu kompi ato lebih. Dan lucunya lagi kalo berkelahi, si pengeroyok gak suka nyerang dari belakang jagoan, ya itu tadi biar gentle kali yah!

3. Biasanya si musuh ternyata sodara kandung si jagoan, dan itu baru ketauan saat akhir episode - telenovela banget yah hehehe

4. Kalo lagi berantem, si musuh udah ngeluarin semua senjatanya, dan si jagoan tetap selamat, paling2 jatuh doang tapi bangkit lagi, tapi giliran si jagoan ngeluarin satu (catet : satu) senjata, si musuh langsung terkapar !

5. Lokasi berantemnya dipilih di tempat yang terbuka kayak di lapangan, di pelabuhan, di padang rumput, padahal saat ketemu musuhnya pertama kali, si jagoan lagi bukan berada di lokasi tersebut !

6. Kalo jagoannya berkelompok, kayak Gogle V, Voltus, Megaloman, ceweknya mesti hanya satu personel, sisanya cowok semua. Gak pernah denger ada cewek semua, ato ceweknya empat, cowoknya satu, mungkin ntar kasian cowoknya kali ya jadi andalan terus hehehe

7. Si musuh suka nyerang penduduk lokal secara tiba-tiba, baru lah si jagoan muncul, kenapa gak jagoan dulu yang muncul baru musuh nyerang?

8. Bila jagoannya berupa raksasa, tiap berantem dengan musuhnya yang raksasa juga, selalu merusak bangunan2 yang ada, tapi anehnya gak ada yang komplain, penduduknya adem ayem aja..

9. Biasanya kalo ada anggota keluarga jagoan yang mati karena perbuatan musuh, jagoan akan membalas dendam, gak pake lapor2 ke pihak berwajib hehehe

10. Biasanya kalo jagoannya berkelompok, ada satu anak kecil, umumnya sih adik kandung dari si anggota kelompok jagoan itu.

Sinetron Indonesia

1. Umumnya kalo yang kaya punya anak cewek tunggal, atau sepasang anak cewek-cowok, jarang ditampilkan punya anak sampe tiga ke atas, apalagi tujuh anak !

2. Ortu yang orang kaya ini umumnya suka jodoh2in anaknya ke orang lain yang berasal dari keluarga kaya juga.

3. Saat makan malam/pagi, biasanya bersama istrinya, anaknya, menggunakan sendok-garpu, lauknya berlimpah, buah2an yang komplit, beserta es jeruk.

4. Yang jadi orang jahat, biasanya orang yang matanya suka melotot, dan ketawa yang menyeramkan.

5. Kalo mau ngekiss pacar ato istri, paling2 cuman kening doang, mau cium bibir, takut kena protes MUI.

6. Kalo cewek yang jalan sendirian pasti digoda penjahat bergerombol yang suka ketawa keras.

7. Polisi yang ditampilkan umumnya berpangkat ipda (garis satu) sampe kapten (garis tiga), gak pernah sampe pangkat jenderal yang dipake Smile

8. Kendaraan yang dipake si kaya biasanya kalo gak mercy, BMW, ato audy

9. Kalo sinetron silat, si cewek suka pake kemben, dan tiap berkelahi pasti pake loncat2 setinggi pohon gitu deh dan ada asap2nya gitu, padahal ga ada motor disitu Smile

10. Kalo sinetron anak sekolahan, umumnya si murid suka berpakaian seenaknya, bajunya suka ga dimasukin, ada yang gondrong, ada yang pake rok diatas lutut, pake lipstik, semakin dia tokoh utama, semakin gak tertib pakaian sekolahnya.

11. Yang jadi ibu guru, umumnya memakai kacamata, agak gemuk, dan suka galak (jadi inget jaman sekolah dulu)

12. Pasti ada adegan di diskotik, entah itu sinetron remaja, entah itu sinetron horor, sampe sinetron religi.

13. Kadang dalam cerita asmara, suka diselipin adegan hantu.

14. Kalo adegan tabrakan, umumnya mobil yang melaju tiba2 berhenti mendadak, tau2 si korban dah terkapar dengan kepala berdarah, tapi kita gak liat tabrakannya gimana. entah knapa semua sinetron punya adegan ketabrak, seakan2 menggambarkan kenyataan org indo yg banyak nembak sim nya

15. Motor yang suka dipake biasanya motor gede kayak harley, dan kadang-kadang ada yg gak pake helm standar, mana nih pak polantasnya?

16. Pembantu umumnya suka gantungin handuk kecil di bahu, dan duduk di lantai tiap ngobrol ama majikan yang duduk di sofa.

17. Kalo ada adegan lagi telponan, pasti penontonnya mendengar suara si penelpon

18. Yang jadi dokter, umumnya cowok yang masih muda, berpakaian putih, dan berkacamata.

19. Makin sering ada adegan menampar, entah itu ortu menampar anaknya, cowok menampar pacarnya, cewe menampar cowoknya, majikan menampar pembantunya, dll

20. Ustadnya biasanya orang tua yang bisa berkelahi kalo menghadapi setan ato orang jahat.

21. disalah satu channel swasta indonesia, punya sinetron dmn suara nya di dub, sinetronya semi dangdut india, terus tokoh utama cowonya slalu bisa beladiri, dengan sound effect seperti di game Fighting.

5 Nov 2012

Hot Pictures Gallery and Hot Wallpapers of The 50 Hottest Models Of All Time

Here at Pop Crunch we absolutely love models. With all of our hearts.
To illustrate that fact, we’ve previously put together lists of the 50 Hottest SI Swimsuit Models of All Time, as well as our extremely popular 50 Hottest Victoria’s Secret Models of All Time. Those lists were two of the most fun to put together out of all the lists we’ve ever done here at Pop Crunch, but they were definitely missing some big names.
You see, there’s many different categories of models. There’s the lingerie model and swimsuit model, both of which we’ve already covered, but there’s also the pure runway model, as well as the Glamour model (think the kind of girl that would appear on Page 3 of The Sun). So we’ve decided to mix them all up, and make an ultimate list of the 50 Hottest Models of All Time. You’ll definitely see some overlap with our other two lists, but trust me when I say there are plenty of hot models that don’t work for SI or Victoria’s Secret. Enjoy!

50. Nikki Taylor

If it seems like Nikki Taylor has been with us forever, it’s because she pretty much has. She graced the cover of Vogue in 1990 at the age of 15. She went on to be considered one of the first ever “Supermodels”, and she’s been on the cover of over 400 magazines. She recently had her first baby with husband Burney Lamar, who is a NASCAR driver.

49. Kylie Bax

Kylie Bax is a New Zealand born model, who has also been in several movies. Most of which you’ve never heard of, unless you happen to be the sort of person who’d watch a movie starring both Sisqo and Coolio. She’s enjoyed a lot more success modeling, with over 20 Vogue covers to her name.

48. Daniella Cicarelli

Daniella Cicarelli is ultra-famous just about everywhere besides the US. She was engaged to soccer star Ronaldo, but the two split shortly after Cicarelli suffered a miscarriage. Daniella later suffered scandal when a paparazzi taped her having sex on a beach with Merrill Lynch employee Renato “Tato” Malzoni. The clip was such a big deal in Brazil that computer networks at the Brazilian stock exchange crashed when too many workers there tried to download the video concurrently. Daniella sued YouTube and a bunch of other places, but lost, eventually having to pay out $10,000 to each defendant.

47. Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell has seemingly lost her mind in recent years, assaulting a maid with a gem encrusted telephone and later attacking a police officer at Heathrow Airport after losing a bag. She’s still pretty hot though.

46. Ana Hickman

Ana Hickman is probably the only Guinness World Record Holder on our list. Although Guinness no longer features the category, Hickman at one time was listed as the “model with the longest legs”. Her legs measure 48″ of her total height of 73″ (hip to heel).

45. Nicole Trunfio

Nicole Trunfio is a reality TV show veteran, winning the Australian version of Search for a Supermodel. The American version (called Make Me A Supermodel) debuts this year, and Trunfio will be mentoring the female contestants.

44. Chanel Iman

Chanel Iman is one of the youngest models on our list, but we think she’s got a lot of upside and will be very famous in coming years. Iman is just 19 but has already worked for many famous fashion lines and has appeared in advertising for Victoria’s Secret and GAP.

43. Blanca Soto

Blanca Soto is from Mexico, and actually represented the country in the Miss World competition back in 1997. She appeared in this music video which won the CMA award in 2005 for “Sexiest Video of the Year”.

42. Stephanie Seymour

Stephanie Seymour has had a long and distinguished career, appearing on over 300 magazine covers. She’s worked for everyone you could imagine, appearing in the SI Swimsuit Issue numerous times and working for Victoria’s Secret through the years. She’s also posed in Playboy on a couple of different occasions. (Quick! To Google Image Search!)

41. Daniela Pestova

Daniela Pestova is a Czech model who quickly relocated to Paris and then New York when she was discovered. She’s a three time SI Swimsuit cover model, most recently appearing on the cover in 2006.

40. Federica Fontana

Federica Fontana is actually more of a sports hostess than she is a model, but she’s done enough modeling to make our list. She’s a fixture when it comes to Italian soccer. I think MLS here in the US could stand to take a hint here.

39. Vanessa Lorenzo

Vanessa Lorenzo is a Spanish model who’s been in everything from Cosmo to the SI Swimsuit edition. She’s actually relatively short for being a model, standing just 5′7.

38. Sophie Howard

Sophie Howard is an English model, who is, let’s be honest, best known for her large, natural breasts. Her 32F figure was voted “Most Beautiful Breasts” by Loaded magazine. Howard started out a religious girl, belonging to the Salvation Army before becoming a stripper at the age of 17. Gregory House would be a bit perturbed with Sophie, as she was diagnosed with Lupus in college. A lot of guys will love hearing about this: Howard loves old Nintendo games and has two tattoos on her ankle, a standby switch and a Super Mario mushroom, to represent power and life.

37. Alice Panikian

Alice Panikian was born in Bulgaria but moved to Canada when she was five years old. She represented Canada in the Miss Universe competiton in 2006 finishing sixth.

36. Zoe Duchesne

Zoe Duchesne is a Canadian probably best known for her work with Victoria’s Secret, but she’s also done extensive print work for Guess.

35. Noemie Lenoir

Noemie Lenoir is a Frenchwoman who was discovered by Ford Models when she was only 16. She’s appeared in numerous fashion campaigns, and has dabbled in acting, appearing in Rush Hour 3 and After The Sunset.

34. Gemma Sykes

Gemma Sykes is a 22 year old from Australia that is still fairly unknown, but we are confident we’ll be seeing her in plenty of things in the coming years. At least we hope so.

33. Stacey Hayes

Stacey Hayes isn’t just a model, she’s also dabbled in competitive ice skating over the years. She is British but grew up in Nebraska, and has appeared in numerous soap operas over the years. She’s also made appearances on Boston Legal and Las Vegas (a show that was pretty model friendly to it’s credit).

32. Oluchi Onweagba

Oluchi Onweagba is the most famous thing to come out of Nigeria since the 419 scam. She entered modeling after winning a competition called Faces of Africa that a friend convinced her to enter. She’s become one of the most famous models in the world over the past ten years, and will be hosting the first season of West Africa’s Top Model this year. Yes, the show has spread that far.

31. Frankie Rayder

GQ once named Frankie Rayder the sexiest woman in the world, and it’s not hard to see where they were coming from. Rayder’s done extensive work for Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret as well as numerous fashion designers. Rayder grew up in River Falls, Wisconsin where she played on her high school basketball team.

30. Ana Beatriz Barros

Brazil features some of the hottest models on earth, and Ana Beatriz Barros is one of the hottest from that country. Barros has worked for Guess, Bebe, Victoria’s Secret, and Chanel, and she’s appeared in the SI swimsuit edition an incredible seven times.

29. Helena Christensen

Helena Christensen is one of the original Victoria’s Secret “Angels”. Her career started when she represented her home country of Denmark in the 1986 Miss Universe competition. She also starred in what is probably the hottest music video of all time.

28. Fernanda Tavares

Fernanda Tavares began modeling at the age of 9, won a contest at the age of 13, and was signed by an agent at 14. She has worked for numerous designers, and she’s currently a VJ for MTV Brazil.

27. Elle Macpherson

Elle Macpherson is one of the most famous models ever. She appeared on a record five SI Swimsuit edition covers, and is said to be worth about $90 million by Forbes. Macpherson has been working continuously since 1982, recently signing a three year deal with Revlon.

26. Tricia Helfer

Tricia Helfer is a former model these days. She’s probably better known for her role as Number 6 on the television show Battlestar Galactica. Helfer hails from Canada, and got her lucky break by winning a Ford Models’ Supermodels of the World modeling contest in 1992.

25. Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes has one of the most unique heritages of anyone on this list. She is Australian with Singaporean Chinese and Portuguese heritage. She has been modeling since 1998 when she was 13 years old, and has worked for Levi’s Jeans, DKNY, and Victoria’s Secret.

24. Josie Maran

Joise Maran is an American model who has also had some success acting. She has been in films such as The Aviator and Van Helsing, and she also appeared on Dancing With The Stars in 2007, getting kicked off after just one episode. Maran is a bit eccentric, claiming not to believe in marriage (saying “I don’t believe in marriage. I just don’t think it’s necessary in this day and age. I just think if you need to get married, then you’re already distrusting the person. Why do you have to sign something to show your love? You just love, everyday”), and also having her first child in the backyard of her home. Not as an emergency or anything, that was the plan all along. I’m guessing that was a weird day for the neighbors.

23. Izabel Goulart

Izabel Goulart is yet another Brazilian model on our list. She was a Victoria’s Secret angel from 2005-2008 and now works for Armani Exchange. Unbelievably the other children made fun of Goulart growing up, calling her “Giraffe”. Her career got off to a rocky start with a wardrobe malfunction in her very first runway appearance, but she seems to have recovered pretty nicely.

22. Daniella Sarahyba

Daniella Sarahyba comes from modeling stock. Her mother was also a model, and appeared with a three day old Daniella on the cover of Brazilian parenting magazine Pais & Filhos. Sarahyba’s career seems to just be ramping up; she’s appeared in every SI Swimsuit edition since 2005.

21. Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks gets a lot of hate these days from guys who are irritated (and defensibly so) by her talk show, so it’s easy to forget what a goddess she was back in the late 90’s and early 00’s. She was the It girl when it came to Sports Illustrated Swimsuit editions, and I can remember her posters being positively iconic. You can’t stay hot forever though, which is why I can’t blame Tyra for having other aspirations and moving on from being eye candy. It definitely is irritating, but I prefer to remember her in her prime.

20. Molly Sims

Molly Sims is probably best known for her extensive work with Sports Illustrated, but she’s also gained a small amount of fame recently for her work on the relatively short lived show Las Vegas. Sims has also had roles in a number of films, including Yes, Man and The Benchwarmers.

19. Bar Rafaeli

Bar Rafaeli continues to prove that Leonardo DiCaprio is a lucky bastard. She was the covergirl for this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. Rafaeli has been modeling since she was eight months old, appearing in a baby commercial at that age.

18. Petra Nemcova

Petra Nemcova is easily one of the hottest models on earth, but lately her life has been full of tragedy. She was stuck with her fiancee during the Thailand Tsunami in 2004, which resulted in her fiancee being killed and Nemcova suffering severe injuries including a broken pelvis. She has since started a charitable fund called The Happy Hearts Fund that helps children who are not receiving the essential help they need for healthy childhood development.

17. Adriana Lima

Adriana Lima is probably best known for her work with Victoria’s Secret, having modeled for the company since 1999. recently named her the sexiest model in the world, but she’ll have to settle for 17th on this list. Still not too shabby.

16. Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum is probably one of the most famous women on Earth overall, not just among models. The German model has been a superstar since the mid-90’s when she was a staple in Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit issues. In 2004 she became the host, judge and executive producer of Project Runway, a massive hit for Bravo that involves fashion designers competing for a chance to show their work at New York Fashion Week and to launch their own clothing line. Believe it or not, Project Runway actually recently won a Peabody Award, the first time a reality show was honored.

15. Raica Oliveira

Raica Oliveira is one of the top Brazilian models, working with every major fashion company including Dolce & Gabbana, Chanel, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, Victoria’s Secret, and Dior. She is also the face of Avon. Unfortunately she is opposed to posing nude, saying “I could not pose nude. Nothing against those who do, but I never felt right about it. It’s not something that would make me proud.”

14. Selita Ebanks

Selita Ebanks is from the Cayman Islands, technically making her British. She grew up extremely poor, even lacking money to buy shoes when she entered elementary school. She later moved to America to attend NYU, but was spotted by a model scout at Six Flags. She quickly signed and now primarily promotes Victoria’s Secret.

13. Gemma Atkinson

Gemma Atkinson is a British lingerie and glamour model, as well as a television personality. She has been in a few different movies and a bunch of reality shows, including the UK’s I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! and Soapstar Superstar. It seems the UK does a better job with their C level celebs than the US judging by Atkinson.

12. Aline Nakashima

Aline Nakashima is Brazilian-Japanese with some Portuguese tossed in. She has appeared in the SI swimsuit issue a couple of times, and was discovered at the age of 17 when she attended a modeling tryout.

11. Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr is an Australian model, best known for her work as a Victoria’s Secret Angel. At age thirteen, Kerr entered and won a modeling competion put on by Dolly Magazine and Impulse. Her shots in Dolly Magazine caused some controversy as some conservative outlets claimed the pictures of her in a bathing suit constituted child pornography. Kerr is rumored to be engaged to Orlando Bloom.

10. Brooklyn Decker

Ohio’s own, Brooklyn Decker just recently married tennis star Andy Roddick. Decker was discovered in a shopping mall as a teenager, and eventually became best known for her Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition appearances.

9. Yamila Diaz-Rahi

Diaz-Rahi is an Argentine model of Lebanese and Spanish descent. She comes from a thoroughly middle class background; her father was a doctor and her mother was a health care manager. Yamila was studying Economics in Buenos Aires when she took a holiday in Uruguayand it was there she was discovered by a modeling scout and her career began.

8. Zhang Zilin

Zhang Zilin won Miss World 2007 and has since become a runway model in Paris and Berlin. She sang during part of the 2008 Summer Olympics soundtrack.

7. Lucy Pinder

Lucy Pinder is another British glamour model. She was voted as having “the most beautiful all-natural pair in Britain” by the Daily Star, with which it is hard to argue. She’s been on all kinds of goofy reality shows in the UK like Celebrity Big Brother and I’m Famous and Frightened!. If you’re ever getting a lecture from a Brit about the US being a cultural wasteland this info will come in handy, as they really produce some crap over there. For every brilliant show there seems to be five shows featuring a bunch of celebrities in silly situations. Not that I wouldn’t watch Lucy Pinder in something … I’m just saying.

6. Karolina Kurkova

Karolina Kurkova is a Czech model who is one of the famous Victoria’s Secret Angels. Kurková was named “Model of the Year” at the 2002 VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards and has appeared on dozens of magazine covers worldwide. Fun fact: Kurkova is apparently a pod person as she has no navel. Photographers have to alter all of her shots to conceal this.

5. Elsa Benitez

Elsa Benitez began modeling in 1995 after winning a modeling contest in Costa Rica. She moved to Mexico and eventually was featured on the cover of the 2001 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Benitez is currently involved in a lawsuit against paparazzi who sold nude sunbathing pictures of her and sold them online. So, you know, those are out there if you’re so inclined.

4. Marissa Miller

Marissa Miller is a true fan favorite when it comes to the SI Swimsuit Issue. Her 2008 cover was one of the most popular in recent memory, and led to her being named Maxim’s hottest woman of 2008. That was the first time anyone ever debuted on the list at number one.

3. Keeley Hazell

Keeley Hazell rose to fame in 2004, winning a “Search for a Beach Babe” Page 3 contest. She has since branched out into all sorts of modeling, including videogame cover work. In 2008 Keeley released a single called “Voyeur”. Hazell is constantly featured on hottest women lists just like this one, usually landing consistently in the top 10. If you’re a fan of a certain part of female anatomy Keeley really can’t be beat.

2. Gisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen has in the past few years become one of the most famous women in the world. Her US profile has been raised significantly with her marriage to NFL QB Tom Brady. Forbes named her the riches model in the world, and she’s appeared on a hard to believe 500+ magazine covers.

1. Alessandra Ambrosio

Alessandra Ambrosio isn’t the most famous model ever (she’s not even the most famous model today), but we consider her to be the hottest model of all time. She is a Victoria’s Secret “Angel” and has appeared in People magazine’s “Most Beautiful People” issue. Ambrosio is friends with all sorts of models, including Adriana Lima, Ana Beatris Barros, and Gisele Bundchen, who loaned Ambrosio her apartment when she first moved to New York. Alessandra is only 28 years old, so we’ll be enjoying her for years to come, and I imagine it’ll be awhile before someone takes her spot as our hottest model in the world.