
11 Jun 2011

Breakdown of Jakarta!

Almost every day, residents affected by traffic jams Jakarata. In fact, traffic jams make losing a lot of time. Loss also create stress.
If noted, the many causes of traffic congestion in Jakarta. Among these, the number of vehicles in Jakarta are aplenty. Unfortunately, an increasing number of vehicles is not balanced by an increase in the number of highway. Of course, over time, the street in Jakarta could no longer accommodate a vehicle that continues to grow each yearFrom the police data shows, by 2010 the number of vehicles in Jakarta reached 11,362,396 units of the vehicle!. Imagine if all the vehicles passing by on the street at the same time. Hem how breakdown.
Then, why do city dwellers, there are many public transport. There Jabotabek, city bus, metro mini, or public transportation. But unfortunately, the vehicles were crowded and uncomfortable. It is also prone to crime, such as pickpockets.Fortunately, there are currently Trans Jakarta bus. The bus was comfortable because of air-conditioned and have a special lane so that passengers can more quickly to their destination. However, the amount of Trans Jakarta bus paltry in comparison to city dwellers, who very much.
Increasing congestion in non displinan perparah with most people of Jakarta. Many motorcycle ride on the sidewalk. Many public transportation that stops at random during transport and lowering passengers. Many hawkers and street vendors who sell on the sidewalks and streets. In addition, there are many more violations of pelanmggaran sharing. All that makes choked and obstructed traffic.Not only that. The streets in Jakarta are also much damaged. This makes the vehicle slowed its speed. Terutamadi rainy season. The flooded streets and potholes can make jam so getting longer.
Many experts predict, a few more years of Jakarta will be paralyzed or halt altogether. In fact, some experts suggested that the Indonesian capital of Jakarta on the move.We hope, in Jakarta bias kemcetan soon be overcome. Of course, we must start from ourselves. We used to live disciplined and orderly in the regulations. Lately many who already use bicycles. In addition to healthful, riding a bike can also reduce air pollution and highway congestion.What about you? There is an idea to reduce traffic congestion in Jakarta?

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