
17 Mar 2011

Sams Teach Yourself PHP and MySql Starter Kit (Video Tutorial + Ebook)

Sams Teach Yourself PHP And MySQL Video Learning Starter Kit | English | 90MB RAR 

tutorial php dasar yang bagus , karena dilengkapi dengan video tutorial + ebook yang mudah dimengerti,
recommended buat yang mau belajar dasar pemrograman php

Setelah di extract akan menjadi  (107 MB) Anda  akan mendapatkan :

* Four hours of video lessons with interactive labs and quizzes (Video tutorial dengan Flash)
* Work files for all the learning labs (file-file latihan)
* Sams Teach Yourself PHP tutorial in searchable PDF format (Ebook belajar PHP)

Learn how to.

* Install and configure PHP and MySQL on your computer
* Create PHP scripts for your website
* Work with forms and files
* Access information in databases
* Authenticate and track users with cookies and sessions
* Set up a secure web server
* etc

Preview Flash Tutorial


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