
16 Jul 2012

Your AdWords Account: Ad Disapproved

AdWords account number: 653-944-6363

Hello AdWords Advertiser,

We wanted to alert you that one or more of your ads or keywords have
been disapproved. Unfortunately, we won't be able to show your ads on
Google, our search partners, or on Display Network placements until you
edit your ads or keywords to make them compliant with our policies.

If this is an error, we want to get your ads back up and running as
quickly as possible, and your Google team is here to help. Below you'll
find the reason why your ads or keywords have been disapproved. At the
end of this email, you'll find a Problem Report that includes details
about which ads or keywords have been disapproved and what you can do
to fix them (if possible).

Disapproval Reason
Artificial Ad Traffic: Unacceptable Content: Google strongly believes
in the freedom of expression and therefore offers broad access to
content across the web without censoring search results. The decisions
we make concerning advertising in no way affect the search results we
deliver. Both your ad and keywords have been suspended at this time.

Repeated violations of our Advertising Policies may result in a
suspension of your AdWords account, so it's important to address any
issues as soon as possible by reviewing our policies. You can review
our Advertising Policies at:

This message was sent from a notification-only email address that
doesn't accept incoming email. If you have questions about our
policies, please contact us through the AdWords Help Center at

The Google AdWords Team

Problem Report
AdWords account number: 653-944-6363

Campaign: 'harianku,' Ad Group: 'Ad Group #1'

Ad Text:

Artikel harian unik
berita terpanas tentang artis
download film hot

Ad Status: Disapproved
Ad Issue(s): Artificial Ad Traffic

-> Content: At this time, Google policy does not permit advertisements
for websites that promote inflating clicks and impressions on ads. As
noted in our advertising terms and conditions, Google may refuse any
ads or terminate any ad campaigns at any time, for any reason.

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